Long time - no blog
It seems like a very long time since I've written anything on the blog. And it might have something to do with not feeling like we are being very 'adventurous' at present. Even though we are not having the type of winter we would have back home it still is winter, compared to the eternal summer we had been in for 18 months prior to arriving in Malta, and the sweltering September on our arrival.
Unbelievably we've been here for 6 months. And it looks as though we'll be here for the summer now.
I've been working for the past month remaking sails for a beautifully renovated schooner moored out in Msida creek. Its been hard work, and particularly hard to get up at 6.00am, walk to a bus stop, get on a bus and arrive at work at 7.30am, and actually get to work. I know, all of you working stiffs are thinking 'Oh, you poor girl, how do you cope with such hardship???????'. Hey its been awhile since I 'worked', and for someone else, a very long time. But I'm enjoying it, its good to bring some money in doing something I know instinctively how to do. I might not be a sailmaker, but I've been a sewer all of my life, and can pretty much sew anything - so now its sails.
Tony has been searching for work with the charter companies and private yachts in Malta, and has a couple of interesting leads which may come to fruition as the cruising season kicks in.
Last week it was great to visit with my brother Richard and his wife Jill who had come over for a short holiday, they were not able to be here for the reunion in September, so this was a real treat.
We have not done much sight seeing, days off work have been pretty lazy, and we're definitely in a 'looking forward to a change in weather mode'. The winds here can be pretty awful, and we don't seem to get much reprieve in between . We do have a nice group of friends around us in the marina and some on land, aswell as our membership in the Royal Malta Yacht Club, so we are not lacking for social life. Would have alot more of it if we weren't busy with work.
These days I wake up a little earlier every morning and get onto the computer to see if I have a message from my daughter Mary, who is very pregnant and about to give birth any day now to her first child - my second grandchild, who I hope to see some time in the summer when I'll make a trip home.
My son Johnny is in Thailand getting his travelling fix. My daughter Georgia is about to embark on her own business venture with a Hairdressing salon in San Francisco, where she lives with her husband Darin and son Wyatt, and my youngest daughter Josie has about a month to go before end of term at U-Vic, and then she'll come and spend a holiday with Tony and I in Malta, and maybe we'll sail over to the Greek islands. Josie wants to go there because she knows from Mama Mia that all of the people are happy and singing and dancing in the streets. That sounds great, I want to see that too.