Still in Charleston,Coos Bay - September 5th

Last Wednesday when we left Neah Bay and headed out Tony said, OK next Wednesday we'll be in San Francisco. Well that next Wednesday has gone by and we are still in Coos Bay - Charleston actually, its a nice little fishing town about 350 miles north of San Francisco. We've been here 4 days now awaiting a change in weather.
We have company - 3 other boats are here from BC, a Cal 29 from Victoria, a bit custom built boat from Nanaimo and another Bluewater Cruising power boat from Vancouver. Also a boat we met last year up in Squirrel Cove from Portland, a beautiful 45' Peterson.
These people subscribe to a service called which shows wave heights and wind pretty much all of the world. They've decided to leave tomorrow morning expecting about 25knots and 10-15' waves up to about 10 miles offshore - beyong that it is far worse.
We're debating leaving also, as it doesn't look like its going to get much better in the near future. Charleston is a charming little place - but can't see being here much longer.
Johnny has dragged Tony off to one of the many huge sandy beaches to go skim boarding.
Hope they don't break anything.


Unknown said…
Hi guys,
Just read your latest blog.
You're probably back out there now, but enjoyed your comments.
Happy sailing.
Jordan and Judy
Baz said…
hey guys
read your blog,very interesting
well put together nancy,dad just gave me the web site great way to stay in touch.glad you are all well,remember ant keep the wind to your back and your eyes on the skyline,take care all.
fair sailin.
bro baz pam and ang xoxo
Anonymous said…
Nancy & Tony,

The adventure continues. Glad to hear that all is going well. We look forward to following all the adventures and joys you are experiencing. Our thougths are with you,

Andrew & Marthe
Unknown said…
This is Capn Pedro of the good ship Tula calling. Where is you all?
Capn Pedro
Unknown said…
Hola. Theese is Captain
Pedro. Captain Eyeliner, r u stil weering that nice maikupp? If so, wood u give me the naime ov your cosmxxx cozmitxxx cozmeettishin?
Adios 4 now,
Your gouid firnd,
Capn Pedro
Jessica said…
Hey Tony and Nancy... It´s Jess from Sheli. The boat just arrived to Mallorca a couple days ago, and I am getting ready to head to Barcelona where I catch a flight back to Colombia in a few days. Hope you guys are having an amazing trip!

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